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Gemini - Gift Set

Gemini - Gift Set

Regular price $25.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 NZD
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Delight the Gemini in your life with our handpicked Gemini Crystal Gift Set, a captivating ensemble of crystals thoughtfully chosen to resonate with the dynamic energy of this air sign.


  1. Blue Lace Agate: Facilitating clear and effective communication, Blue Lace Agate serves as a soothing companion, easing anxiety and empowering the Gemini to express themselves with eloquence.

  2. Tiger’s Eye: Merging sporadic energy into one focused direction, Tiger’s Eye aids in accomplishing goals and navigating the dualities of the Gemini personality with unwavering determination.

  3. Botswana Agate: Grounding and comforting, Botswana Agate provides solace during moments of sadness, offering stability to the ever-active Gemini mind.

  4. Hematite: Bridging airy energy into the mind and grounding it back to earth, Hematite brings balance and stability, ensuring the Gemini remains connected to both the ethereal and earthly realms.

  5. Labradorite: Unveiling deeper insights into dreams and uncovering destiny, Labradorite ignites the Gemini's curiosity and intuition, guiding them through the realms of possibility.

Optional: Matching Zodiac Bracelet

Note: Crystal sizes and shapes may vary, ensuring each crystal holds the same intrinsic value and individuality, creating a truly unique and meaningful gift for the Gemini in your life.

Ignite the celestial duality within with this enchanting crystal set. Harness the power of Gemini's versatile spirit and embrace the cosmic energies that guide their journey. 🌌✨



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